Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Lesbian not so socially acceptable

It would seem the word lesbian is still censored in some quarters.

I was just surfing the net, looking for what's going on in the lesbian movie world and came across a post on The world unseen.

If you haven't seen the world unseen you can watch a trailer at The world Unseen Movie review. Or right here on this blog at The world unseen Trailer. It's just great

Anyway because of my enthusiasm for this movie I thought I'd post a comment. And the comment went something along the lines of

  • The world unseen is a great lesbian interest movie.

Nothing wrong with that. Right?

So I click post and what happens. My post is published with the word lesbian replaced with asterix

I am truly enraged!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Raped and killed for being a lesbian

From time to time we come across news concerning the lesbian community that is not about movies or celebrity, but is of such importance that we feel we must share it with you.

This article Raped and killed for being a lesbian is one such story

It is about the brutal rape and multiple stabbing of Eudy Simelane, a former star of the national female football team and out lesbian

We are still a long way from equality guys.

Finding Kate, Short Lesbian Movie

A nice short with Erin Kelly by Katherine Brooks

Rumoured to be a film about katherine's first love.

Probably just a rumour, who really cares

As a lesbian movie, it delivers

Finding Kate Part 1

Finding Kate Part 2
