Sunday, 26 April 2009

Facebook Rejects Lesbian Movie Ad

If you use facebook you'll know that facebook has it's own advertising system. A pay per click system that allows you to create ads and display them on profiles that seem appropriate to your ad.

So an ad was placed for the lesbian movie 'And then came Lola'

The advertisers apparently targeted the profiles of women who stated they are interested in other women and are over 18. Nothing wrong with that.

But for some reason the ad got rejected

The reason given was "The image of this ad is either irrelevant or inappropriate. Per sections 3 and 8 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines, the image on your ad should be relevant and appropriate to the item being advertised. Make sure your image is directly relevant to what you are advertising. Images that are overly explicit, provocative, or that reveal too much skin are not allowed. Images that may either degrade or idealize any health condition or body type are also not allowed. If you choose to submit this ad again, please use an appropriate image that adheres to all of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines."

The image for the ad?

Obviously this has caused quite an uproar in lesbian communities.

And I am a little puzzled. I have come across a load of adverts on facebook in the lesbian genre

So it makes you wonder. 'Why was this ad rejected?'

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Interview with The World Unseen Director Shamim Sarif

The world unseen has taken the lesbian movie world by storm. If you have not seen it watch the long version of the trailer at The world unseen Lesbian Movie Trailer and review. It's pretty good

Shamim Sarif is the author of the book the world unseen and also the director of the movie. By the way she also recently released 'I can't think straight' another excellent lesbian movie.
Here's Shamim's interview

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Die Leibwächterin With English Subtitles

Die Leibwächterin, nice gentle love story about Mona dengler, a bodyguard whose client, Johanna Sieber is the chairlady of the EU economic committee. Death threats, drug addiction and a complicated personal history threaten to compromise her ability to protect Johanna. Throw into the mix the attraction between the two leads which may or may not be mutual. You find out :)

Must say it is very good and the acting is excellent