Sunday, 8 February 2009

The World Unseen Movie Clips

The world unseen by Shamim Sarif

Second movie that I could find with the Lisa Ray Shamim Sarif collaboration. The world unseen is quite different from 'I can't think straight'

Where 'I can't think straight' is full of glamour and is reasonably easy to watch, 'The world unseen' tackles more serious and darker issues, like apatheid and the subjugation of women. Throw into this a lesbian love story in a country that believes being lesbian is depraved

The world unseen movie trailer



Genevive said...

The movie is great! Thanks for posting! Going to find myself getting it on DVD SOON!

hemant said...

The world unseen movie is a drama movie is directed by Shamim Sarif.This story is revolves around a two indian womens Amina and Miriam. This story is written very beautifully... I like the story......